Sponsorship Opportunities

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Social Media Product Reviews/Sponsorship Opportunities

A great way to get your brand out there is to have me sponsor you through Instagram. To be considered for a social media sponsorship send me a few of your products for me to review and post pictures of on my Instagram. Your product will have its own dedicated post where I review the product in the caption and give a link to your social media and website. If I really love your products I will feature them in multiple posts; I am all about getting the word out on good and honest people’s small businesses. For a social media sponsorship you can direct message me on Instagram, my Instagram is @countstwins29006 or you can email me at sarahcounts0604@gmail.com putting Social Media Sponsor in the subject line.

Brand Representatives

As a brand rep you would have posts about your company every two weeks on Instagram and at least two posts a month on the blog for as long as you are sending me your products. If you would like more details on having me as a brand representative then you can email me at sarahcounts0604@gmail.com with “Brand Rep Opportunity” as the subject line.

Product Reviews

If you would like to send me an item for me to review here on the blog and make a post about my review on Instagram I would be happy to! If your product has any relation to beauty or fashion it would be featured on my weekly series Makeup/Fashion Monday/Wednesday/Friday where I review beauty and fashion products. If your product has nothing to do with beauty or fashion it would just be reviewed on any day of the week. You can contact me by email at sarahcounts0604@gmail.com to discuss me reviewing your product. Please use “Possible Product Review” as the subject line.